

The Top 5 Cyber Threats that Brexit Brings

Our data shows that 53% of firms are increasing their cybersecurity budgets in preparation for a rise in threats once we leave the EU. Businesses anticipate that Cybercriminals will seek to use confusion to their advantage, whether that is through malware attacks or targeted phishing campaigns to coerce critical data or financial gain from organizations.

Fighting the War at Home: How Your Employees are Your Greatest Asset in the Battle Against Data Loss

Sun Tzu once stated that: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting” and two and a half thousand years later his rhetoric stands the test of time, as today we are seeing this ancient ideal applied in the most modern of battlegrounds: the fight against cyber-crime. To tackle both the malicious and accidental data loss threat, organizations need to have preventative technology...

Like, Share and Destroy: How to Protect Your Business From the Social Media Threat

Social media is now the window to any business. 83% of organizations use social media as a marketing tactic, making it the most popular marketing tool. It is updated far more regularly than any website and businesses build a following based on publishing engaging content regularly. While businesses see the importance of using social media to quickly build their brand and reputation, there has been little emphasis on the downside to this. How social media can destroy a company’s reputation in an instant.

Cyber Threats & Technology Tips That Your Business Can’t Ignore

As new threats are introduced into the cyberscape as well as evolved traditional threats, businesses need to be more prepared than ever for a data breach and have the latest tools in place to mitigate risks.

Cloud Storage, File Sharing Apps and GDPR: This Could Get Ugly Fast!

Cloud storage services and file sharing apps such as Dropbox, Box, Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive are so widely adopted by employees—knowingly or unknowingly by their IT departments—that most don’t think twice about using them to share corporate information.

The Never-Ending Learning Curve

Not so long ago I wrote two blog posts on the Heartbleed vulnerability in OpenSSL. In one of them I alluded to the fact that we have not seen the end of it, unfortunately I was right.

Inside Out, Outside in, Inside in...

Threats from outside the organization are still happening, but it's the threats from within which are causing a greater challenge. Not just employees but third parties who have access to internal systems and information.

10 Essential Steps to Security for Businesses - part 2

To mark the close of EU National Cyber Security Awareness Month, this week we’ll be providing a couple of top tips per day to help ensure that both internal and external company data remains secure. Top Tip 3: Attack spyware from multiple angles Spyware is one of the more insidious (and annoying) web hazards. Fight it from all directions: Stop it at the gateway – with automated filtering and...

Information Management Responsibility?

The management of information is primarily the owner’s responsibility and secondly the responsibility of all other stakeholders that may have a vested interest in the information, or the data owner. In a world where individuals and businesses are becoming engulfed in new data every day; personal ownership needs to take a more pro-active role in its management.

The Pitfalls of Handling Credit Card Details

Credit card fraud in 2012 cost $5.55 billion worldwide. But there are other problems - is the way you handle credit card information sufficient?