
Case Study

SFT Threat Protection Helps Credit Card Company Securely Transfer Files

Mercury Financial needed a way to protect data in transit to stay secure and compliant. The added data security and peace of mind through the use of Clearswift Secure ICAP Gateway paired with the GoAnywhere MFT solution became the perfect pairing for the credit card company.

PCI Compliance Best Practices

While the database issues and solutions are well known, the real challenge is around unstructured data, where credit card information finds its way into email and documents, these are then transferred around and outside the organization creating unnecessary risk.

The GDPR Divide: Board Views vs. Middle Management

Clearswift recently surveyed 600 business decision makers and 1,200 employees, across the UK, US, Germany and Australia, and found that board level respondents are more confident about having the necessary processes in place to be GDPR-compliant than senior management are.

Augmenting Existing Security Infrastructure

Today, all organizations have information security technology in place, but much of it is centered on ‘traditional’ security applications. For example, anti-virus as part of an endpoint security solution, firewalls, and intrusion detection/prevention systems on the network.