

The GDPR Deadline is Here – So What Next?

It’s finally here, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now in full effect. Is that a sigh of relief I hear? Well, it shouldn’t be too heavy a sigh, there’s still work to be done. The first thing to remember is that just because it’s the 25th May, doesn’t mean GDPR efforts are over. In fact, there should be a bigger push than ever to ensure your organization is compliant and remains compliant going forwards.

GDPR - It’s Not Just for Europe: Protection of Data at the World Cup in Russia, Tokyo Olympics, and Beyond

With the World Cup in Russia this summer and the Olympics in Tokyo in 2020 further down the line; organizations conducting business around the event will face unprecedented challenges with cybersecurity and data protection. With the rise in data breaches in recent times, it might not be too strong to say that the success of these major international events relies upon the whole country being data security conscious. Everything from local hotels to travel agents and tour operators will process increasingly large quantities of customer data, including credit card details, making them ripe targets for cybercriminals. This personally identifiable data (PII) will include EU citizen data and so will need to be protected as per the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Smoke and Mirrors: The Key to Snaring a Cyber-Criminal

Understanding your enemy is the first step to defeating them; a sentiment often touted by generals and commanders on the battlefield, but just as applicable to cybersecurity. Comprehending how cybercriminals operate, the techniques they use and the weapons available to them enables organizations to better defend themselves.

Getting Ready for GDPR: Key Actions to Ensure Your Organization is Compliant

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the EU’s largest and most significant cross-border regulation comes into effect in May 2018. Organizations and businesses operating in the EU are racing to make changes and implement new technologies in order to become compliant. With varying performance across sectors in the race to GDPR readiness, you don’t want to be left in the dust. Clearswift’s...

Preparing for the Inevitable: A Guide to Handling a Data Breach

Cyber-attacks and data breaches are now so widespread that it isn’t a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ your organization gets hit. According to the UK Government’s latest Cyber Security Breaches Survey, nearly seven in ten large businesses identified a breach or attack in the past year. When taking into consideration all sizes of businesses in the UK, nearly half had suffered a breach or attack. The...

Right to be Forgotten Requests: How to Ensure Your Business Doesn’t Grind to Halt

GDPR is the most comprehensive data protection legislation to date and it's revolutionizing the information security landscape. The impending enforcement of the regulation is forcing organizations to understand, and transform, the way they collect, process and store data. One of the most challenging aspects of the legislation is the ‘right to be forgotten’ (RTBF), the ruling that dictates...

WannaCry Fallout: What the Ransomware Epidemic Means for the Future of Business

Cyber security is now an agenda item in the boardroom, not just the IT department, in the wake of May’s Ransomware attack and the countdown to GDPR compliance well underway. In May, multiple organizations including the NHS, Spain’s Telefónica and Deutsche Bahn were struck with what is arguably the world’s most publicized cyber-attack. Within a day, the ransomware cryptoworm known as WannaCry...

Clearswift Wins Info Security PG Awards for Adaptive DLP, Office 365™ Email Security and Advanced Threat Prevention

Clearswift was recognized at the 13th Annual 2017 Info Security PG’s Global Excellence Awards® for its unique ability to prevent evasive cyber-attacks and data breaches through its game-changing Adaptive DLP, Office 365 Email Security and Advanced Threat Prevention solutions. Clearswift’s award-winning cyber security innovations are built around its unique layer of inspection and sanitization...

Clearswift sees 70% growth in its ‘Advanced Threat Protection’ Solution

Organizations look to a more effective layer of sanitization to defend against advanced malware and the resurgence of ransomware. Advanced malware attacks evading traditional perimeter defenses have exploded this past year enabling cybercriminals to steal sensitive data or hold it hostage for a hefty ransom. As a result, organizations across the spectrum from healthcare, finance and manufacturing...

Malware in Attachments - Stop Them Striking Your Organization

Recently, we have been hearing from our customers and partners of a concerning increase in the number of sophisticated malware attacks which are striking organizations. These are not simple attacks, but involve compromising reputable web servers in order to deliver malware infected content. The good news is that there is a solution to this – but why are traditional methods simply not working?

New Email-Embedded Malware Getting Through Major AV Scans

Clearswift has recently been approached by a number of top cybersecurity teams and organizations to help them address an increasing threat of ongoing attempts to deliver embedded malware hidden in email attachments that is automatically activated by malicious scripting code. The sophistication and continuous morphing of delivery methods have made it so these new malware variants go undetected and pass right by major AV scanning solutions.

The Never-Ending Learning Curve

Not so long ago I wrote two blog posts on the Heartbleed vulnerability in OpenSSL. In one of them I alluded to the fact that we have not seen the end of it, unfortunately I was right.

Inside Out, Outside in, Inside in...

Threats from outside the organization are still happening, but it's the threats from within which are causing a greater challenge. Not just employees but third parties who have access to internal systems and information.

EU Regulations - The Latest Instalment to Protect European Data

Blog by Kevin Bailey, Head of Market Strategy. They say that there is no smoke without fire and the proposed EU Data Protection Regulation (EU DPR) that will supersede the previous EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC maybe the fire from which a lot of smoke and hot air has been expelled from Belgium over the past 2 years.