

The Unknown Threat Report

We surveyed 1,000 UK public sector employees to discover the current cybersecurity state-of-play, specifically within local and central government.

Capital One Data Breach: A Reminder to Lock Your Back Door

In July 2019, leading financial organization Capital One received an anonymous e-mail revealing some bad news: “There appears to be some leaked data of yours in someone’s Github.” This leaked data was revealed to be the personal details of about 106 million individuals across the US and Canada, mostly consumers and small business owners that have applied for credit card products, including their...

Next Generation Cyber Threats: Images

Traditional Data Loss Prevention (DLP) technology provides protection against the traditional threat of someone trying to send a file to an unauthorized individual, but it required a step change to enable Adaptive Data Loss Prevention with Deep Content Inspection (DCI) to address threats such as ransomware that is delivered embedded in innocuous-looking documents. Clearswift delivered our first version of Adaptive Redaction in 2013 and have continuously improved the technology in every release since then.

The Top 5 Cyber Threats that Brexit Brings

Our data shows that 53% of firms are increasing their cybersecurity budgets in preparation for a rise in threats once we leave the EU. Businesses anticipate that Cybercriminals will seek to use confusion to their advantage, whether that is through malware attacks or targeted phishing campaigns to coerce critical data or financial gain from organizations.

Cyber Threats & Technology Tips That Your Business Can’t Ignore

As new threats are introduced into the cyberscape as well as evolved traditional threats, businesses need to be more prepared than ever for a data breach and have the latest tools in place to mitigate risks.

Preparing for the Inevitable: A Guide to Handling a Data Breach

Cyber-attacks and data breaches are now so widespread that it isn’t a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ your organization gets hit. According to the UK Government’s latest Cyber Security Breaches Survey, nearly seven in ten large businesses identified a breach or attack in the past year. When taking into consideration all sizes of businesses in the UK, nearly half had suffered a breach or attack. The...

WannaCry Fallout: What the Ransomware Epidemic Means for the Future of Business

Cyber security is now an agenda item in the boardroom, not just the IT department, in the wake of May’s Ransomware attack and the countdown to GDPR compliance well underway. In May, multiple organizations including the NHS, Spain’s Telefónica and Deutsche Bahn were struck with what is arguably the world’s most publicized cyber-attack. Within a day, the ransomware cryptoworm known as WannaCry...

Clearswift Wins Info Security PG Awards for Adaptive DLP, Office 365™ Email Security and Advanced Threat Prevention

Clearswift was recognized at the 13th Annual 2017 Info Security PG’s Global Excellence Awards® for its unique ability to prevent evasive cyber-attacks and data breaches through its game-changing Adaptive DLP, Office 365 Email Security and Advanced Threat Prevention solutions. Clearswift’s award-winning cyber security innovations are built around its unique layer of inspection and sanitization...

Clearswift sees 70% growth in its ‘Advanced Threat Protection’ Solution

Organizations look to a more effective layer of sanitization to defend against advanced malware and the resurgence of ransomware. Advanced malware attacks evading traditional perimeter defenses have exploded this past year enabling cybercriminals to steal sensitive data or hold it hostage for a hefty ransom. As a result, organizations across the spectrum from healthcare, finance and manufacturing...

Malware in Attachments - Stop Them Striking Your Organization

Recently, we have been hearing from our customers and partners of a concerning increase in the number of sophisticated malware attacks which are striking organizations. These are not simple attacks, but involve compromising reputable web servers in order to deliver malware infected content. The good news is that there is a solution to this – but why are traditional methods simply not working?

Your Holiday Security Checklist

Are you ready for the holidays? As everyone wraps up for their holiday break, have you ensured that your organization is set to handle anything and everything when it comes to security while you’re out of the office? Stay ahead of the game by following our quick holiday security checklist. And don’t forget to check it twice!

Next Generation Organization Agility... Are You Ready?

The blurring of work and life boundaries that exist on devices, both with the changes to the law on flexible working and the general rise of BYOD, means that it’s far too easy to send information to the wrong person via email – and then be penalised for it.

Why Access Information?

Blog by Kevin Bailey, Head of Market Strategy. One of the easiest ways to stop attacks on information is to close down the shutters, build impenetrable firewalls, stop all access and return to the world of the chalk and blackboard.

Quit While You’re Ahead...?

Last week saw The Open Group conference take place in London. In conjunction with this was The Jericho Forum’s announcement that after ten years they were declaring success and sunsetting.

The Pitfalls of Handling Credit Card Details

Credit card fraud in 2012 cost $5.55 billion worldwide. But there are other problems - is the way you handle credit card information sufficient?