

Heads up! New Canadian Data Privacy Act is Around the Corner

The time to prepare to meet soon-to-be-enacted Canadian data privacy regulations is now. Around the world, the awareness of the need to protect the privacy rights of individuals, including the access, transparency, and security of personal information has never been higher.

How to Enhance Data Loss Prevention in Office 365

Office 365 is a powerful collaboration tool, but can organizations be sure it provides the level of DLP capabilities required in today’s ever-morphing threat environment? Discover the benefits of pairing Clearswift with your Office 365 deployment.

New Encryption Guidance Published by UK’s Information Commissioner

The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office published update guidance on encryption on 3rd March 2016, amidst concerns that there was a general lack of understanding of how and when to use encryption. It is the lack of appropriate technical measures, such as the use of encryption that has led to a significant number of fines issued in the UK since 2010. There is a risk of bigger fines with the introduction of the new General Data Protection Regulation. Organisations need to be prepared!

PCI Compliance Best Practices

While the database issues and solutions are well known, the real challenge is around unstructured data, where credit card information finds its way into email and documents, these are then transferred around and outside the organization creating unnecessary risk.

The GDPR Divide: Board Views vs. Middle Management

Clearswift recently surveyed 600 business decision makers and 1,200 employees, across the UK, US, Germany and Australia, and found that board level respondents are more confident about having the necessary processes in place to be GDPR-compliant than senior management are.

WannaCry Survey Infographic

Attitudes have changed in the wake of WannaCry. This infographic features survey results from a Clearswift commissioned survey.

Preparing for a Cyber-Breach

This guide will help organizations prepare for a cyber-breach and provides an outline plan to help cope with the situation. A plan will prevent panic – the last thing needed while undergoing a security incident.

Augmenting Existing Security Infrastructure

Today, all organizations have information security technology in place, but much of it is centered on ‘traditional’ security applications. For example, anti-virus as part of an endpoint security solution, firewalls, and intrusion detection/prevention systems on the network.

Critical Data Protection

Depending where you are in the world, there is a term for the loss of information from an organization – data loss, data leak, data theft, or even data spill.

Data Security Best Practices Every CISO Should Know

The responsibility for an organization’s information and data security is a hefty one, knowing each day that it’s not a matter of whether a cybersecurity attack will happen, but rather when it will happen on your watch.

The Unknown Threat Report

We surveyed 1,000 UK public sector employees to discover the current cybersecurity state-of-play, specifically within local and central government.