Information Security

Giving a greater level of inspection, redaction, and sanitization of information before entering or leaving your network.


Information Security. Solved.


Solve for information security and you solve for the most pressing cybersecurity challenges. Documents that leak confidential data are harvested for phishing attacks and weaponized to deliver embedded malware payloads. Today’s documents require an enhanced level of inspection, redaction, and sanitization before entering or leaving your network.

Solution Features

Secure Sharing

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Context-aware access, policy enforcement and leak prevention.

Augment, Secure, Protect, Comply.

Clearswift recognizes that organizations have existing security solutions in place, but many have a need for more advanced security to counter-act today’s information-borne threats – within and outside of the organization. Clearswift solutions empower organizations with the ability to immediately augment existing security infrastructure rather than waiting for the renewal time of existing security supplier contracts. Our technologies integrate seamlessly with existing solutions enabling organizations to deploy direction agnostic deep content inspection capability and advanced security and data loss prevention features, to increase threat prevention and enhance data protection across email, the web, and cloud-based applications.

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Adaptive Security


Real-time document inspection and sharing analysis ensures the appropriate access and security policies are applied. Confidential information detected can be blocked, encrypted or uniquely redacted to prevent a leak without disruptive quarantines or false positives. Optimized for regulatory compliance (PCI, HIPAA, FERPA, GDPR, etc.).

Document Redaction and Sanitization. Automated and Enforced.

Ensure documents are redacted of confidential information and completely scrubbed for privacy before they leave your organization. Automated removal of hidden metadata (author, username, server names, etc.), comments and revision history prevents information harvesting used for targeted phishing attacks.

Weaponized Document Protection

Structural sanitization of documents to ensure complete removal of malicious code without delaying sharing and access. Prevents embedded, macro-malware and ransomware from entering your network due to phishing emails, drive-by downloads, or attacking uploads.

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Easy to deploy. Add-on security layer.

Information security that is adaptive to meet the needs of your business. Simple to add on to your existing security infrastructure or Clearswift Secure Gateways to ensure documents are inspected, sanitized, and secured for sharing.